Manage your daily accounts money transactions in the simplest and easiest way.
Hey,Now you can keep track of your all transaction and your accounts at one go...
Accounts Manager is an accounting application for your personal use and your daily money transactions. Accounts Manager app is for keeping all your transaction done in different cases such as credits and debits. Accounts Manager app is for everyone who wants their accounting reports in their pockets.
It makes accounting easy to manage. The aim is to allow users to keep track of money transactions done in different scenarios.
Added Functionality of BACKUP & RESTORE will let your data saved and PASSWORD PROTECTION will not let other peep into your important data...
Accounts Manager comes with an elegant & flexible UI which has been optimized for all screens.
Accounts Manager has a clean and intuitive interface that makes even easier to manage your budget!
1.Password Protection.
2.Backup and restore functionality.
3.Currencies of mostly countries included.
4.Sorting of transactions functionality available.
5.You can also share all your transaction details in excel format with your buddies.
Keywords: Accounts,Manager,Money,Accounting,Business,transactions,amount,
Functionality to select and change currency.
Functionality to add decimal numbers.
Improved logic of sorting by time of transactions.
List of accounts name are now sorted in 2 ways ie
1.Chronological Order(ie Ascending order of time)
2.Reverse Chronological Order(ie Descending order of time)
You can find above option to change the sorting by clicking the menu button.
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